How to unify to separate divisions of Gilead and make them in to consultancy teams that could be set up all around Europe to train, consult and advise other nursing teams who deal with patients suffering from these two disorders on a daily basis.
How to unify to separate divisions of Gilead and make them in to consultancy teams that could be set up all around Europe to train, consult and advise other nursing teams who deal with patients suffering from these two disorders on a daily basis.
The teams collaboration had to be clearly identified whilst giving them separation from the units and hospitals they visit, work and advise in.
The teams collaboration had to be clearly identified whilst giving them separation from the units and hospitals they visit, work and advise in.
The symbolic union of two divisions to create a team of specialists that Gilead can roll out through many countries in Europe and potentially then America.
The symbolic union of two divisions to create a team of specialists that Gilead can roll out through many countries in Europe and potentially then America.

Creative Territories.
Creative Territories.